2008年3月26日 星期三

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "organic List" search results for targeted keywords. Usually, the earlier a site is presented in the search results or the higher it "ranks", the more searchers will visit that site. SEO can also target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, and industry-specific vertical search vertical engines.

The requirement of Search Engineer Optimization(SEO)
I would like to find more relevant guidelines from Webmaster Help Center(http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=35769#quality) There will help to find, index, and rank my Blog. Even if you choose not to implement any of these suggestions, there strongly encourage we pay very close attention to the "Quality Guidelines," which outline some of the illicit practices that may lead to a site being removed entirely from the Google index or otherwise penalized. I can learn how to avoid the site has been penalized and avoid my Blog block in results on Google.com, on any of Google's partner sites and other famous engine engineer company.

Page Title:
I would like to add the keywords in the titles of my pages such as Customer Relationship management, CRM, 顧客關係管理but without spamming, meaning do not overdo that and spamming is outdated. I also use a different title for every page that reflects what this page is about and not exceed 5 keywords in every page.

HTML Tags:
I apply to a link www.technorati.com/tags, Technorati is the most powerful converter device. It help other easy search my blog when input some keyword. I also put the main keywords between in topic of 5 articles. All of main keywords also are shown on Tags.

Outbound & Inbound Links:
They are defined a hyperlink that points to another page in the same website I think Internal links are very important for search engine optimization, always remove your broken links and make sure search engine spiders can reach almost all pages in your site and also enhance my Blog appearance.
In Outbound links, I join a membership in a famous searching engineer organization www.UWANT.com. I can post my Blog in there for others to search such as http://www.linkshighway.net/. I also add the Keyword Suggestion tool will help you choose relevant and popular terms related to your selected key term. Simply enter a key term and this tool will query information from several Google searches, which it will use to determine popular and re-occurring terms used by websites in the same industry.
In Inbound links, I post other link and article which are related my topic CRM in my Blog. For example, I added my classmates’ Blog and some successful CRM operation example.

Building Site Map
Our professor who is Ken Fong suggest a tool to us to check the location of visitor http://clustrmaps.com/index.htm
That is the best ways to quantifiably and independently measure my Blog online awareness and overall visibility.

I provide a good and unique content such as I copy some powerful CRM article, CRM topic u-tube and CRM practice and application in there.
Meta Tags: I try study the most search engines (like Google) for my reference. (Google) do not give much weight for meta tags because many people used to spam them with keywords that may not even exist in content but they still carry some weight for other search engines.

Keyword Density Analyzer
I also used the keyword density analyzer to determine the optimum keyword density for your web page. http://www.pagerank.net/keyword-density-analyzer/
Keyword Density Analyzer will analyze the web page you specify and give a report on what words are used and how many times they are used.
Keyword density is important because it can be used as a factor in determining whether the web page is relevant to a specified keyword or keyword phrase and the right keyword density will help achieve higher rankings on search engines.

Update Frequency
I am going to update and post some new article in my Blog, that is better for enhance my ranking.

The limitation of Search Engineer Optimization(SEO)Avoid Link farms:
I give up use link farms method which is a form of spamming the index of a search engineer. Some link exchange systems are designed to allow individual websites to selectively exchange links with other relevant websites and are not considered a form of spamdexing.

Avoid hidden content:
I avoid use Hiding text or links in content as it may cause my Blog to be perceived as untrustworthy since it presents information to search engines differently than to visitors.

Avoid use keyword stuffing
Filling pages with keywords results in a negative user experience, and can harm my Blog's ranking. Focus on creating useful, information-rich content that uses keywords appropriately and in context. So, I suggest you use the link http://www.pagerank.net/keyword-density-analyzer/ to check the content and Tags in your site.

Don't send automated queries to the famous Searching Engineer:
For example, Google's Terms of Service do not allow the sending of automated queries of any sort to our system without express permission in advance from Google

Outbound Links:
I avoid link up a bad sites as it may caused search engine penalize me and may even ban your site completely!

Flash/Graphic file:
Search engines cannot read text displayed in graphic files (e.g. jpg, gif, png), nor can they interpret text found in Flash files. This simulator shows you only text that search engines can read.

Avoid Doorway page and PageRange created just for a search engineer:
Ensure the content of site is talking about the visitor wants and need, the goal of site attract the target audience rather than as a search engine. Please don't participle in link schemes designed to increase your site's ranking or PageRank. In particular, avoid links to web spammers or "bad neighborhoods" on the web, as your own ranking may be affected adversely by those links.

Thank you!

Editor by Ring Chan

2008年3月25日 星期二


Funny Picture for CRM

Job Market's view point for CRM(顧客關係管理)

Job Market(求職廣場)

顧客對於企業來說,有多重要?從一家企業的創辦之始,由一群股東集資成立, 以後就有賴顧客的光顧,賺取利潤籌集資金,企業再以資金發展公司,聘用更好的人才,取得更有價值的資源,提供更好的產品、服務與理念,吸引更多的顧客。隨著CEPA政策的實行,國家對「十一?五」規畫的推動,更刺激本港企業未來的發展。但要在這個競爭愈趨激烈的市場中,把握機遇,招來更多的顧客,企業究竟有何妙法?有專家謂「客戶關係管理(CRM)」是企業通向成功之門的鑰匙之一。

世界性品牌 重視客戶關係




重客戶關係 政府積極提倡



掌客戶需要 制定長遠策略




員工新職能 聯繫各方客戶

如去年11月特許公認會計師公會(ACCA)召開的僱主論壇中,ACCA的商貿夥伴主管Tony Osude發表了一系列人力資源資訊及調查結果,其中預計未來15年,世界營商環境會愈趨複雜,企業既需要減低成本,又要將手上人才盡用,故此僱主期望員工的角色及能力亦有相應的提升。他表示,現時大多數的僱主都傾向物色有相關專業技能的通才,而並非單一強項的專才或只顧埋首日常事務的技術員;至於未來的15年,企業會聘用怎麼樣的人才?

Tony Osude有以下的歸納:一、員工將會擔當導師角色,以支援及帶領企業團隊,幫助新入職的員工實行體驗式發展;二、員工要擁有多元化的技巧,能夠靈活多變的轉換角色;三、有創意、有多角度的思考,並擁有專門才能,特別擅長某個項目;四、員工要有優異執行力、做事準確準時,並且願意嘗試突破及學習;五、員工工作時,要重視過程及結果;六、員工要具備策略思維,懂得因事制宜;七、能夠與客戶建立緊密的合作關係,且有能力整合多種顧客的需要;八、能夠獨立工作,並懂得運用集體智慧,面向整個機構及客戶。

Tony Osude所提出的8大人才元素中,重點指出員工要替公司與客戶建立聯繫,以及能夠吸納多種客戶群;而要成功做到的話,他認為企業要通過教育及訓練把員工培育成為通才,員工亦一定要掌握「客戶關係管理」的技巧,企業方能順利推行客戶關係管理制度或政策。

與內地競爭 加強員工培訓




企業員工互相合作 現今商業市場競爭激烈,要成功爭取更多的客戶的話,推行客戶關係管理實是各大小機構的營運方向。但是,要推行有效的客戶關係管理方案,以連繫潛在客戶和合作夥伴,執行者需要穿針引線,與多方溝通。因此,企業管理層和員工必須互相合作,了解各方的需要,然後作出快而準的決定。故推行一套有效的客戶關係管理方案,企業要積極培訓員工,讓員工努力地發展客戶關係管理的平台,以爭取回報,最後達致顧客、企業和員工三贏的局面。

Source by http://www.jobmarket.com.hk/Resources/article.jsp?magazine_type=RS&issue_id=317

Infor CRM (Application in Manufacturing)

Infor CRM (Customer Relationship Management) for Manufacturing

Complete customer visibility for today's manufacturers.
The positive steps we take to help our customers are simply what they expect; the things that go wrong are what begin to fragment the relationship. Customer relationships, therefore, must be managed so that manufacturers can continuously meet or exceed expectations, anticipate and respond to change, and maximize the opportunities presented by each customer’s needs.
Infor CRM for Manufacturing provides the real-time information you need to grow your customer base, retain customers, and find additional business opportunities with current customers. With built-in manufacturing industry experience, Infor CRM solutions enable you to manage customer contacts and relationship development—gathering each customer’s complete history and extending it across the organization—so you can identify customer needs, automate ongoing orders, and generate focused marketing programs. And since they’re accessible anytime, anywhere and fully integrated with other enterprise solutions, you’re able to reduce costs and improve operating efficiency.

Infor’s customer relationship management solutions for manufacturing help you:
Gain complete customer visibility
Find rapid access to critical information
Improve lead generation and pipeline management
Provide efficient customer service
Get anytime, anywhere mobile access
Reduce costs with complete integration
Infor’s CRM software solution provides manufacturing companies with comprehensive capabilities for marketing, multi-channel sales and service, and complete front- and back-office integration.

Marketing—marketing capabilities for enterprise-level organizations that streamline the campaign process and create real-time customer profiles.

Sales—sales force automation and opportunity management capabilities for enterprise-level organizations that drive intelligence into customer interactions.

Service—personalized contact center capabilities for enterprise-level organizations that give customer service representatives a unified view of customers across existing systems.
Interactive Selling—quoting, proposal, and document generation capabilities that provide key product, availability, and pricing information to direct salespeople and indirect channels. Includes a pricing engine that allows for multidimensional pricing and discounting.
CRM for Infor ERP—a range of solutions that give Infor ERP customers integrated CRM capabilities that complement their ERP application and provide them with industry-specific functionality for managing customer relationships.

Learn more about Infor CRM.
Learn more about Infor Industry Essentials for Manufacturing and Distribution.
Contact us to learn how Infor CRM for Manufacturing will make a difference in your business.

Source by http://www.infor.com/solutions/crm/industries/manufacturing/

Infor CRM (Application in Financial Services)

Infor CRM (Customer Relationship Management) for Financial Services

Solutions for raising retention rates and increasing profitability
Mergers and acquisitions have transformed the financial services sector as growth-minded retail banks seek new efficiencies, new capabilities, and new customers. Today, the real challenge and opportunity lie in organic growth—maximizing the value of existing relationships. Financial services organizations are now concentrating on increasing products per household, share of wallet, and retention of their existing customers.
Infor CRM for Financial Services helps financial services organizations achieve organic growth, decrease the cost of service, and improve operational efficiencies. It enables intelligent, event-driven customer interactions over all inbound and outbound customer touch points and all self-service systems such as web, automated teller machines (ATMs), interactive voice response (IVR), and mobile devices.
Infor’s customer relationship management solutions for financial services help you:
Increase customer retention
Expand products per household
Provide outstanding customer service
Create an adaptable technology infrastructure
Infor’s CRM solution helps financial services companies optimize customer interactions across all touch points through comprehensive capabilities for inbound and outbound marketing, multi-channel sales and service, and the integration of sophisticated front-office solutions with core banking and operational systems. Components include:

Marketing—inbound and outbound marketing capabilities that streamline the campaign process and create real-time customer profiles that can be analyzed to identify high-impact offers at the time of interaction.

Sales—sales force automation and opportunity management capabilities that facilitate customer conversations by driving intelligence into every customer interaction.

Service—personalized contact center capabilities that give customer service representatives a unified view of customers across all existing systems and empower them to shorten call times and resolve issues on the first call. Sophisticated, real-time analytics drive personalized, customer-focused processes and offers, turning customer interactions into revenue opportunities.
Learn more about Infor CRM.
Learn more about Infor Financial Services Essentials.

Source by http://www.infor.com/solutions/crm/industries/financial/

Most Popular On-Demand CRM Service

The World's Most Popular On-Demand CRM Service

The proven leader in on-demand customer relationship management (CRM), salesforce.com empowers customers to stand out from the crowd. We do so by delivering the most innovative technology and making it as easy as possible to share and manage business information. Our solutions combine award-winning functionality, proven integration, point-and-click customization, global capabilities, and the best user experience and the result is CRM success. That's why Salesforce has earned the trust of its customers and a customer success rate of 95%*. Get started using Salesforce CRM today.

Why Salesforce?
AwardsWinner! Industry watchers single out the CRM leader.
PlatformForce.com: The world’s first multitenant, on-demand platform.
IT ResourcesMaking the case for on-demand with your CIO and IT team.
AppExchangeHundreds of applications and services for extending your CRM.
Analyst ResearchThe experts agree: on-demand is in demand.
Successful CustomersThe best way to learn about salesforce.com is to listen to our customers.
ServicesSuccessforce services help ensure your CRM success.
Best PracticesGet valuable tips from the vibrant salesforce.com community.
Comprehensive On-Demand Business Services

Salesforce SFA enables companies to drive sales productivity, increase visibility, and expand revenues with an affordable, easy-to-deploy service that delivers success to companies of all sizes.Details

Service & Support
The Salesforce solution for customer service gets companies up and running in a matter of weeks with a call center application that is loved by agents and a customer self-service application— powered by Web 2.0—that generates new levels of customer loyalty.Details

Partner Relationship Management
Salesforce Partners makes it easy for partners to access leads, collaborate on deals, and locate all the information they need in order to be successful. The Salesforce Partners is seamlessly integrated with Salesforce SFA to deliver unparalleled visibility to your company's entire sales pipeline for direct and indirect channels.Details

Salesforce Marketing enables closed-loop marketing to execute, manage, and analyze the results of multichannel campaigns. Marketing executives can measure the ROI of their budgets, tie revenue back to specific marketing programs, and make adjustments in real time.Details

Salesforce Content brings Web 2.0 usability to your business content so you can share it more effectively and enhance collaboration within your organization. Empower employees to find the exact documents they need, right from the business applications they use on a daily basis.Details

Salesforce Ideas makes it easy to unleash the power of community and create a dynamic dialogue with your customers, partners, and employees. With Salesforce Ideas, you are clicks away from creating an online community where members can post, discuss and vote on ideas. The best ideas bubble up to the top, helping you prioritize and manage feedback in a scalable manner and instilling a sense of co-ownership with your most passionate evangelists.Details

Salesforce Analytics empowers business users at every level to gain relevant insight and analysis. With real-time reporting, calculations, and dashboards, businesses can optimize performance, decision making, and resource allocation.Details

Custom Applications
Build enterprise-class applications on salesforce.com's powerful on-demand platform. Deliver all your company's business applications in a single environment with one data model, one sharing model, and one user interface.Details

Industry Applications
Meet all of your industry-specific needs with salesforce.com's award-winning CRM, a broad variety of on-demand apps from the AppExchange, and the Force.com platform. Our industry applications are built on the successes of hundreds of companies in your industry. And because no two companies are exactly alike, all industry apps are fully and easily customizable.Financial Services High Tech Media & Communications Public Sector

AppExchange Applications
The AppExchange is your one-stop marketplace for on-demand business applications. The AppExchange makes it easy to find, sample, and select from hundreds of apps for your business, all preintegrated with Salesforce.Details

Source by http://www.salesforce.com/products/

Product Overview

Product Overview

Browser CRM is a browser-based customer acquisition and management application. It provides customer management features including email, file management, tasks, opportunities, calendaring and web site integration accessible anytime, anywhere from any web browser.

Browser CRM is widely deployed in small businesses typically with 5 to 250 users in diverse industries in services, retail and manufacturing.
See case studies.

Browser CRM Limited is based in Wellington, New Zealand has a global customer base with customers in the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand.

Why BrowserCRM?

◊ Access your data anytime, anywhere

Login to your customer and business data from your favorite web browser - no user software to install. Browser CRM instantly enables anytime, anywhere access to your database for staff, telecommuters, telemarketers and branch offices and gives you full access to up-to-date data while on the move.

◊ Centralize your data

Your corporate data is centralized in your BrowserCRM database instead of spread across multiple applications and individual desktop machines so you and your employees always access the latest, real-time data.

◊ Choose how you deploy

Install the Server Edition on your own server or ISP, or use Browser CRM Hosted which is completely managed by us.

◊ Smart new technology

Our technology platform means costs are substantially lower than for similar products from major vendors based on legacy or enterprise technology.

◊ Customize for each user

Customize and personalize preferences, menus and data access permissions for each user.

◊ Multi-user functionality

Data sharing between users including a shared email inbox to share email workload, full logging per user and record status per user.

◊ Generate customer leads from your website

Capture data from your website forms directly into BrowserCRM so you can provide faster response to customers and increase sales.

◊ Scale as your business grows

The technology platform will scale easily and user-based licensing means you can increase your software capability as your business grows.

◊ Extend functionality

The customizable modular structure of BrowserCRM can be extended to meet your specific requirements to web-enable all your business processes.

Source by http://www.browsercrm.com/content/view/120/106/

2008年3月24日 星期一

Microsoft CRM Business Solutions - Product Demo - Case Study

Definition of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 顧客關係管理

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 顧客關係管理 is a customer-centric business strategy with the goal of maximizing profitability, revenue, and customer satisfaction.[1] Technologies that support this business purpose include the capture, storage and analysis of customer, vendor, partner, and internal process information. Functions that support this business purpose include Sales, Marketing and Customer Service, Training, Professional Development, Performance Management, Human Resource Development and Compensation.

Technology to support Customer Relationship Management (CRM) initiatives must be integrated as part of an overall customer-centric strategy. Many Customer Relationship Management (CRM) initiatives have failed because implementation was limited to software installation without alignment to a customer-centric strategy.[2]

[1] Bligh, Philip; Douglas Turk (2004). CRM unplugged – releasing Customer Relationship Management (CRM)'s strategic value. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-471-48304-4. [2] Rigby, Darrell K.; Frederick F. Reichheld, Phil Schefter (2002). "Avoid the four perils of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Harvard Business Review 80 (2): 101–109. 

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page